Hey there, live like your nail color gals! The holidays have started here in the US and soon they will be in full swing with lots of people taking time off and slowing down to celebrate, exhale, and consider the new year ahead.
In fact, I’m claricited about the holidays! That’s a new word my friend Kim Eley and I just made up. It’s the feeling of excitement you get when you’ve got clarity in some aspect of your life that energizes you to take action and move forward. I got clear that I need to take a real break, one that includes taking a break from creating new podcast episodes, so I can spend quality time with family and friends, as well as rest and refresh for the new year. I want to be present.
The 5 most popular Live Like Your Nail Color episodes:
“Mary and the Live Like Your Nail Color podcast is inspiring and fun!” <– If that sounds like you, please take a hot minute to rate and review my show! This helps me get the podcast in front of more women so they, too, can flip the chip to feel happy, free, and full of life. Go here (or https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/live-like-your-nail-color-podcast-with-mary-foley/id1621128078), scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.”
Plus, make sure to subscribe to the podcast. Because it's not nearly as fun without you!
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