Live Like Your Nail Color Podcast with Mary Foley

One Thing that Makes All Strong Women Strong with Jennifer Foxworthy

Episode Notes

What makes a strong woman strong? I love listening to women’s stories about their lives to find the jewels to answer that question. And you know one thing I hear again and again? It’s that no matter how strong these women seem today, they all, I mean ALL, went through a really tough time. But they didn’t stay stuck in that tough time. At some point, they had an ah-ha that whatever they were doing wasn’t working. They realized what they truly valued and who they really were. And as they changed course, they had to put up a figurative fence around areas of their lives to operate differently. Those fences are healthy boundaries and there’s no way to live like your nail color without them.

During today’s episode, I talk with one of these strong women, my gal pal Jennifer Foxworthy. Jennifer had a 21-year Naval career flying combat missions in three wars and busting through military stereotypes. All pretty heroic stuff. But she was losing the battle of having fulfilled her personal life until one moment when it all came to a head, and she had a breakthrough. Though you may never fly a helicopter or be part of a military operation, what Jennifer began to understand and implement will help you set up your life to soar. I can’t wait for you to meet her!

In this episode we talk about:

Here’s a glance:

[6:08] As a self-proclaimed super extrovert, Jennifer says the Glitter Gal persona nails her and her money-green color choice.

[7:27] In the Navy, Jennifer was required to wear a color that complimented her skin tone.

[10:24] Jennifer shares the stories of the domestic violence she braved in her book, Tomorrow My Sunshine Will Come, and how the journey led her to create strong emotional boundaries.

[23:03] Jennifer defines boundaries using the seven dimensions of wellness and shares examples of how to maintain safe boundaries using her F.I.T. concept. 

[30:30] You are the common denominator in every relationship of your life. 

[33:14] How self-care relates to healthy boundaries.

[40:31] Jennifer would create the Audacious Aqua nail color to remind her of the emotional healing offered by water.

[43:08] In the Flip the Chip segment, Mary highlights Jennifer’s seven dimensions of wellness and how to use them as a wellness assessment tool.

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Connect with my smart, savvy guests:

Inspirationally Speaking Website

Tomorrow My Sunshine Will Come book

Jennifer Foxworthy Inspirationally Speaking on Facebook

@inspirationallyspeakingllc on Instagram

Jennifer Foxworthy on LinkedIn

Call: 410-449-2173 

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