Live Like Your Nail Color Podcast with Mary Foley

The Flip Side of Failing with Sarah McVanel

Episode Notes

Consider what life would feel like if you became more failure resilient. What might that do for relationships, businesses, careers, or yourself? If you knew how to flip the chip of failure, what would you go after right now? What new experience or adventure would you pursue? Give that some real thought because today’s gal pal is going to share a practical approach to failure that you’ve never heard of – until now!

Today’s gal pal is Sarah McVanel, founder of Greatness Magnified where she invigorates individuals, teams, and companies to see themselves and others as exceptional so that, together, they can create a scrumptious, thriving culture where everyone belongs. She is a recognition expert, professional speaker, coach, recovering perfectionist, movement maker, and author of several books including Flip Side of Failing: How unconditional recognition ignites resilience, relationships, and retention. If that isn’t a great example of flipping the chip, I don’t know what is!

In this episode we talk about:

Here’s a glance:

[5:40] Identifying as a Naked Nelly is perfectly in tune with Sarah’s ability to be her authentic self and show it to the world.

[10:10] Sarah describes her FROG philosophy.

[12:22] Why do we resist failure?

[15:56] How to reframe, redefine, and flip failure to create your best life.

[20:03] Mary shares why it is important to at least try. 

[28:57] Take pleasure in the ‘What ifs?’ and give yourself permission to fail.

[36:52] Unconditional recognition is when we don't need an external lens to determine what success looks like.

[41:22] If Sarah created nail color names, women everywhere could adorn their nails with Failure Goddess.

[44:13] In the Flip the Chip segment, Mary utilizes the TRY formula to encapsulate Sarah’s flip side of failing principles. 

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Discover More About Sarah:

Greatness Magnified

Sarah McVanel on LinkedIn

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