Live Like Your Nail Color Podcast with Mary Foley

The Power of Gratitude

Episode Notes

In an October 2022 article by the American Psychological Association, “Americans are struggling with multiple external stressors that are out of their personal control, with 27% reporting that most days they are so stressed they cannot function… A majority of adults cited inflation (83%), violence and crime (75%), the current political climate (66%), and the racial climate (62%) as significant sources of stress.” That’s a lot of chip happening! Then there’s your personal career, business, health, and relationships. If 2022 feels like one long hot minute, you’re not alone!

And I’m right there with ya! That’s why on today’s podcast I want to share from my own life an approach to looking at your year and how the power of being thankful can be an elixir to so much stress. 

In this episode we talk about:

Here’s a glance:

[4:15] Mary’s nail color persona is the Amazing Adventurer and her go-to favorite color is red.

[6:38] During a retreat, Mary challenged gal pals to reflect on their 2022 top three wins, insights, and things they are grateful for.

[11:47] Mary shares her top three wins from 2022.

[16:02] Mary shares the insights she’s extracted from her top wins of 2022.

[21:04] A practice for getting unstuck or out of a funk.

[23:39] Tips for how you can do your part and then let God do the amazing.

[30:03] After realizing your wins it is easy to see what you are grateful for.

[34:20] In the Flip the Chip segment, Mary highlights a quick practice to help everyone to redirect and reframe thoughts into positivity and light.

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Discover More About Colorstreet:

Nail Colors:

Gratitude is Everything:

Make Spirits Bright:

Yule Be Delighted

For more inspiration and fun:

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